Thursday, February 28, 2013


What do you do when you feel stuck? What do you do when you have opportunities ahead of you and plenty of choices but you don't know which ones to take or what to do? 
Who do you lean on when you feel like there's no one really there for you? Who do you go to to get the big hug you've needed?
So many questions, ideas, and feeling going through me right now. I feel so overwhelmed and covered and I don't know how to get out from all of this. I feel like I'm stuck in a ditch with only myself to help me get out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last Day of Class!

Woohoo! I finally made it. Today is my last day in the classroom. Starting Moday I'll start my extern at a small family practice in Tumwater. Thinking back 7 months ago I thought that I would never make it to today and now here I am studying for my last test, starting to say "see ya laters" and wishing I could get to see these lovely people I consider to be friends more often after class. Although I'll miss the people I won't miss the schooling.
I finally feel proud of myself. I made it through schooling successfully. I've worked hard at work and even harder at school. I've missed firsts of Jace's and I've missed hours of family to go to school and study. Those time I can never get back and I grieve the time I've lost with Jace and Bryce but I've got to remind myself that I did this for them. I went through this schooling to provide a better life for them. Now that I'm almost done, I can spend some more time with Jace and I can finally give him the best childhood possible!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just an update

I have 2 days left of class and then I'm done except for my extern. What am I supposed to do with my time?! I've finished my homework and if I study for my test anymore I'll explode! Maybe it's time to get a hobby...

On another note, Bryce has started a new 3-days on, 4-days off diet. Hopefully this will help him lose the few pounds he needs for the Marines. He is also exercising. I just wish I wasn't such a baby and I could exercise with him. Maybe someday.

Jace has hit his terrible 2's. I thought we were just having a rough day but after a few consecutive days of tantrums and hitting and screaming, I've had to think otherwise. I feel as if timeouts, spanking, holding and rocking, and turning his attention to other things is doing nothing at all! Hopefully this stage doesn't last too long.

Emily =)