I know it's been forever since I've updated my blog. My apologies!! Since I've last written so many great and wonderful things have happened. Bryce graduated high school. Jace turned 2! I stopped working to be a stay at home mommy. And we have all moved to just north of Fort Worth, TX.
Bryce has been working out and preparing his mind and body to join the US Marine Corps. He arrived here in Texas 2 weeks ago and only talked to the recruiter 10 days ago but he has already signed the papers and gone through most of the initial testing before he leaves to boot camp. From what the Master Sargent at the recruiter said Bryce will be leaving the first week in December for boot camp in San Diego. Words cannot describe how proud I am of him. Life has thrown him so many fire balls and each time he has come out even stronger. I can honestly say that he is my hero, my best friend, and someone I look forward to growing old together with. =)
Jace has grown like a weed! He loves anything to do with fish and cars. If it were up to Jace we would only watch Finding Nemo during the day. =) Each day he finds some way to remind me just how lucky I am to be a mom to such a sweet little boy. He already has been giving my baby belly hugs and kisses and telling the baby he can't wait to meet her. =) It's so precious and I know he'll be a great big brother.
Our due date is January 1st, 2014. In my ultrasound yesterday, the doctor did a quick little look and he believes we will be blessed with a baby girl. =) Bryce and I are both so excited! When we were pregnant with Jace we we're hoping with a girl but we were given a handsome little boy. So, we finally get our girl! Hopefully! I do have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to confirm. She is very active! Most of the day she's dancing around and kicking. In the mornings when I wake up but I don't really wanna get up and doing anything just yet, little Tessa always starts kicking and moving around to get me moving. =)
I haven't been up to much other than being a mom. I look forward to going back to school for my RN once the baby is here. Our apartment complex is right across the street from a community college and after some research I've figured out I can do one semester of prerequisites and then it's only 2 years of school and a BIG test and I'll have my RN. =) I am so excited to be moving forward on my own schooling and career.
I do want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who has prayed or thought good thoughts for my family. It has been a hard few months with moving and trying to find our feet but things are finally starting to smooth out and I am so grateful for everything!
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